There's nothing during - repeat - during a soccer game that the average joe six pack couldn't do.
Here's the reality of soccer - 99% of the time the things that these soccer players try to do with the ball - DOESN'T WORK!!
They train for years and years dribbling and passing the ball and bouncing it up and down in the air and kicking it through hoops - and the reality is that training has zero relevance to what happens during a soccer game.
There are so many players on the field that there is almost ZERO chance anything they do in an attempt to score a goal works.
Almost 100% of the time the things they try to do with the ball doesn't work. Not even the very highest paid "athletes" can accomplish what they had in their mind's eye to do.
For example - every single time they do a corner kick - nothing happens - because they miss their target by 20 to sometimes 80 feet.
Anyone can do that. Anyone who is somewhat athletic could go on to a soccer field and produce the exact same results with one week of 3 hour practices.
I contend that you could take a team of NFL athletes - teach them to play soccer (basic rules and such) in one week and after that one week I would put those real, legitimate athletes, up against any soccer team in the world and I would bet my house on the fact they would do just fine. They would either win the game or tie it up 0-0. And those NFL athletes would get better and better and better until they started pummeling teams 15-0 in the English Premier League.
The best soccer team in the world would be snuffed into non-existence by a team of world class athletes easily.
Why? Because 99% of the time in soccer you do the wrong thing. You miss the shot. You jump for a head ball and miss it completely - or if you hit it - it goes nowhere near the net.
Anyone can do that. It's a game that requires virtually no skill to master or play.
Anyone can do what they do on a soccer field. Anyone.
If I put NFL star defensive back Richard Sherman on soccer player's best player Ronaldo (supposedly a good soccer player) I can guaranteed Sherman would shut Ronaldo down into the turf and spit on him. I would say within 30 minutes of Sherman covering Ronaldo like a fly on a turd Ronaldo would leave the pitch with a fake injury.
In fact I could take a team of 12 long distance runners, and a 7 foot tall NBA player for the goaltender, and I would make a mockery of soccer.
Let me break this down into simpler terms - much easier to understand how pathetic soccer players are -
There's no one in soccer that can run a 5.0 second 40 yard dash.
Almost every single player in the NFL can run a 4.5 second 40 yard dash or better - including the 300 pound Offensive Linemen. Most defensive backs and receivers can run a 4.3 40 yard dash.
You're talking about 1/2 a second difference on every single play during a 90 minute game.
My team of non-soccer players would be 8.25 minutes faster every single game.
Or let me put it another way - .5 seconds faster over 40 yards and if the game is say 10,000 yards long - each player is 125 seconds faster over the game times 11 players - so my team is 1,375 seconds faster or put another way 22 minutes faster.
22 minutes in a professional sporting match is literally enough time for my team to cook and eat hot dogs on a barbecue at center field - and eat those hot dogs and wash them down with beer - and still return to the game with time to spare.
22 minutes.
And unlike soccer players I know my athletes can do it all day and all night long - because they're athletes not soccer players. It's what they do for a living.
Now this wouldn't work if soccer required a high-level of skill.
For example - you could not take a soccer player and put him on an NFL field and tell him to be a defensive back. There's zero chance they could do it. Or take the soccer player and tell him to play hockey at the NHL level - they'd get killed. Or take the soccer player and tell them to play rugby or lacrosse or Australian Rules Football - they'd be taken to the hospital immediately.
And so the fraud that is perpetuated on the world is that these non-athletes, soccer players, are the highest paid people in sports.
Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
I think what happens is that because soccer is so micro-managed and scrutinized the "professionals" that run these soccer teams have lost sight of the fact that there's actually very little skill required to play soccer.
Again 99% of what they try to do doesn't work.
If you got there faster in almost every instance it would negate any "skill" that someone brought to the table because of years of soccer drills. Speed kills. And in soccer it would kill any advantage gained over soccer.
Soccer is really not that hard. Kick the ball ahead until you can shoot at the net. And the net is so ridiculously big that it's bound to go in.
Soccer is really not that hard. Kick the ball ahead until you can shoot at the net. And the net is so ridiculously big that it's bound to go in.
I think soccer executives became infatuated with what goes on in practice - and has failed to make the connection that kicking the ball into a garbage can from 40 yards has no bearing on an actual game because 99% of the time they can't replicate it in a game. In fact the opportunity to use skill in a soccer is almost never there. And if you can use the skill it's negated by the distance and the bodies on the field.
If you watch a soccer game objectively you can say that 99% of the time what they try to do doesn't actually happen.
And that of the 1% of the plays perhaps .001% of the time someone does a play that actually you could say was high skill. Perhaps 1 high skill event in every 15 games. Well that's just not enough to warrant putting so much time into learning skills of soccer. It equates to nothing.
The only thing that matters is speed. None of the passing ability is required. In fact 85% of the time soccer players kick the ball BACKWARDS to a teammate as opposed to forward past an opponent.
They don't even try to get past an opponent 85% of the time. And even if they did get past an opponent - because there's a stupid amount of people on the field - they can't replicate the procedure again and again and again.
Therefore it's futile. It's a stupid waste of time.
The only thing you would need to learn to do is draw the opponents back into your end - kick the ball down the field - and let your athletes get the ball for a breakaway because they'd be so far ahead of the soccer player they'd have a free kick.
And if the soccer team drew all of it's players back to defend it you could just kick the ball randomly from 50 yards out for the entire game until it goes in or some stupid scramble develops and you kick it in.
Either way the soccer team is toast because they couldn't attack because they couldn't get past anyone.
That's the thing - soccer is so ridiculously easy to defend that anyone without talent who is just a better athlete can do it. All you have to do is get between the opposing player and your own net.
Nothing to it.
This isn't like New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady having to evaluate 25 things in 1.4 seconds.
This is one thing in 5 seconds. It's the exactly opposite. In fact often times soccer players just stand there and let you look at the field for seconds at a time. They go backwards more often than forwards. And then if it is forwards it's side-to-side. And so what do you actually need a soccer player for?
The skill level required for soccer is so ridiculously low that you can teach anyone to play at a high level in less than a week.
The fallacy that has occurred here is that people think it takes longer than that.
You can be the most highly skilled player on the planet - it amounts to jack squat.
Again the reason being - distance required and number of people on the field.
It negates any skill.
All you need to be is large, fast and have tons of stamina - i.e. any actual athlete.
Deft dekes with the soccer ball are a complete waste of time. In fact the more skill a soccer player has the more apt they are that they will try something stupid with the ball and lose the ball.
The objective is to simply get down the field and kick the ball at the net in a straight line.
And with a field that large you can lob passes 40 yards without skill and simply let athletes run to the ball and kick it in the net.
Nothing to it.
Piece of cake.
This isn't hockey or football or baseball or even cricket. There's no requirement for the brain to actually compute the hands into the equation.
Just simply kick it.
And for defense - speed and size kills. Period. End of story.
And so I would say, in closing, that if somebody actually tried doing this with a team they would be greatly surprised at how easily they could win a World Cup.
And how you could build entire team rosters for less than $1 million/US per year that would easily win the English Premier Soccer League.
The skill level required for soccer is so ridiculously low that you can teach anyone to play at a high level in less than a week.
The fallacy that has occurred here is that people think it takes longer than that.
You can be the most highly skilled player on the planet - it amounts to jack squat.
Again the reason being - distance required and number of people on the field.
It negates any skill.
All you need to be is large, fast and have tons of stamina - i.e. any actual athlete.
Deft dekes with the soccer ball are a complete waste of time. In fact the more skill a soccer player has the more apt they are that they will try something stupid with the ball and lose the ball.
The objective is to simply get down the field and kick the ball at the net in a straight line.
And with a field that large you can lob passes 40 yards without skill and simply let athletes run to the ball and kick it in the net.
Nothing to it.
Piece of cake.
This isn't hockey or football or baseball or even cricket. There's no requirement for the brain to actually compute the hands into the equation.
Just simply kick it.
And for defense - speed and size kills. Period. End of story.
And so I would say, in closing, that if somebody actually tried doing this with a team they would be greatly surprised at how easily they could win a World Cup.
And how you could build entire team rosters for less than $1 million/US per year that would easily win the English Premier Soccer League.
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