Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Too small kills the offense

You can't be a tiny team and be in Vancouver.
It's common sense.

The Vancouver Canucks are way too small to do anything this year. Forget about it.

Minimum heights and weights are required to be a Canuck and there's a few reasons why.

First off the Vancouver Canucks are the most hated franchise in Canada.
The reason being if you don't live in B.C. you're jealous as hell and there's no hiding it.
Every other place in Canada is a shithole and that's reality.

But Vancouver is a world class city.

So every Saturday night you have a team, filled with a lot of Canadians, coming in to Vancouver and ready to wallop them. Playing in Vancouver is a special event. And there's a special hatred for Vancouver due to the jealousy.

If you remember Crosby and the NHL laughing at Vancouver at the NHL awards in Las Vegas in July. They really hate Vancouver.

And it's showtime in Vancouver. There's no where else in the Western Conference that is "showtime" like Vancouver. Vancouver is it. It's the bright lights. It's the media attention. It's a huge city. It's the best city in Canada. It matters when the lights go on in Vancouver or when Vancouver's playing on the road.

It matters like no other team in the NHL including the Leafs because Ontario and Quebec are divided.

Vancouver matters.

And so the games Vancouver plays are harder than other teams have to face every night. Teams get up to play Vancouver.

So they get everyone's best game.

And then there's travel schedule. Worst in the NHL. And it fatigues.

And so if you're going to be playing hard every night and if you're going to get hit each and every night and if you have a target on your back each and every night - you'd better damned well ice a big team.

You can't go "small and fast" and survive an NHL season in Vancouver. You just can't.

And so what happens every year is the Canucks lose defensemen like flies on a paper trap.

The mimimum size of a Canuck blueliner has to be 6'2" and the minimum weight has to be 225 pounds.

Think of the good years the Canucks have had. Then think of that blueline. There were giants on the team. From Glynn to Dirk to Ohlund to Jovo Cop to Salo. Big boys.
And even they got belted.

And once you start losing D men then forget the offense.

The offense starts from the blueline and now with little guys back there you get hemmed in and the offense dries up.

Dressing at least 3 pugilists for the Canucks is another must.
Dorsett is not enough.
They're a hated team.
And the twins need protection.

They lost Tryamkin. And Gudbrannson was ineffective.
And so now there's an "open for business" target on the Sedins.

If they survive this season it will be a miracle.

Teams are going to take liberties with this Vancouver bunch until the cows come home.
All day and night long.

They are the smallest team in the NHL and other teams know it.

Until this team gets serious about dressing a big lineup - it's going to be one parade to the infirmary after another. You might as well just leave the stretcher on the ice and the ambulance at the exit.

It's going to be a long, long season for these tiny guys.

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