Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Trump is right, media is wrong & alt-left

Donald J Trump came out of the Walter Reid Hospital for veterans earlier that week.

President Trump is the head of the military.

They're his boys and girls.

And when he saw those sons of bitches on the NFL dishonouring the flag he lost it and understandably so. He has every right as the Commander in Chief to raise hell about what these sons of bitches were doing. Imagine those 15,000 soldiers in Afghanistan tuning into an NFL game in London and seeing those sons of bitches kneeling for their anthem and standing for the very country that wanted to keep those blacks in slavery, along with all of America.

Over 100,000 whites fought and died for their right to be free. Whites earned their freedom with their deaths.

It wasn't race. It wasn't a "race whistle". Let's be clear CNN and the Democrats and NBC are race baiters. They define people by their race. They are historically the party of racism.

This is what they do.

If you're an athlete and you're out over your skis and all you do for news consumption is watch CNN (or for anyone in that matter) then you'll think Trump is a NAZI member of the KKK.

Trump is not. Trump is exceptionally brilliant.
He knows the parent company of CNN is heavily invested in the NFL.
As is NBC. The two media centers who have gone after him in the most unfair, biased fashion possible.

And now he's going to kick them where it hurts.
He's going to take down their NFL.

Hey, the NFL served it up on a platter for them. It's in their rules that all players must stand for the anthem or seek employment elsewhere. It's there. That's true.

But they didn't fire these fools. And so he slapped them in the face.

America is a flawed country. As is every country. Canada is more racist than America by a country mile. Thus the missing women inquiry. Thus the Downtown East Side in Vancouver.
Thus Willy Pickton.

Yet, my God, these Canadian university graduated liberals such as those on Sportsnet 650 and TSN1040 and CBC and CKNW etc etc etc etc have been desperately quick to slam Trump as a racist bastard.

They watch too much CNN.

Is America flawed? You bet. Is it the best country on Earth? You bet.

The flag stands for those in the Walter Reid hospital. Kneeling by people such as Ray Lewis is offensive in every possible fashion.

How many NFL players are in the NFL right now under with allegations or rape? Murder? Drug use? Spousal abuse? They're not perfect.

As for the cops.
Would you like that job?
They're outgunned. They're outnumbered. They're despised by the Democratically run cities. They're underpaid. They're spit on. Yelled at. Shot. Killed. Punched. Stabbed. And that's just a Saturday night in Las Vegas.

They're scared shitless most of the time. Do you think these NFL stars want to quit their jobs and go do it?

Hell no.
So much easier to race bait than actually get involved.
Get involved with 70 percent of black boys having no dad around.
Hell, one NBA star had 11 children with 11 different women.
And he's not alone, is he?

Last time I looked Trump was a pretty good dad, isn't he?

And he's lost men under his command.

And people forget that. People he was in charge of went into battle and died. For him. For that flag. For that country.

Demmies on the radio have no clue about that.
Life for them has always been simple.
University. Job. No troubles. No worries.

People have died for President Trump.

Sons of bitches? You bet your ass.

And hopefully the NFL goes straight to obscurity for it and takes these clowns on the radio with them. Clowns that don't allow dissent or differing opinions.

If you have one - my God - grow up! You're not an adult. Blah, blah, blah.
The race bait. The call of the Demmies.

I bet they drive past the people dying on East Hastings every single day while drinking their coffee too. Hell, I bet they work 1,000 feet from where 600 people died just this year.

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